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Sunday, 28 June 2020

-Cyclical Finance System - AAvartansheel Arth-shashtra

Hello Friends,

I welcome you again to today's new topic. As you must be aware, in Nature, everything is in a cycle. Be it seasons, Climates, Biological Rotuines of the body, planetary movements, etc. Similarly, humans have forgotten to use this concept of Cyclical and circular pattern in our Financial system.

All other living beings, except the humans, live and behave according to the Mother Nature's Norms. Only humans, due to their developed brains, wants to explore and unravel the unknowns of Nature (Shrushti)

In this process of explorations, inventions, revolutions; mankind, over the period has also exploited the earth and its resources. Today, the realisations have come on the advent of climatic changes, depleting underground water levels, Global Warming, etc. 

In the process of Modernisation and development, we have overlook the facts of meaning of our Existence, Being, actual and essential requirements for living.

I came across a wonderful literature of "Jeevan Vidya" propounded by Late. Shri Agrahar Nagraj ji (Fondly addressed as Babaji) This literature of Jeevan Vidya or Madhyastha Darshan or The Alternative for today's issues, has in-depth Solutions for any facet of life, be it relationships, finance, Self, Society, Cosntitution, Economy, etc. The Emphasis is on Human than any material or any form of exchange like currency - centric etc.

I am a MBA Student and also loved Economics as a subject. But the knowledge of "AAVARTANSHEEL ARTH SHAASHTRA", rectified my myths learnt in Economics Subject like Diminishing Law of Returns, Theory of Wants - Ends gap to be meet.

Important Points of this Concept that helped change my outlook towards finance, work - culture :-

  1. Utilisation of natural resources, such that they can be renewed and again grow in the system. For eg. Trees Plantations, if used for lumber, timber, paper- manufacturing, etc 
  2. Identify the essential wants of a human to live and earn. Hence, erratic and irrational exploitation of Natural minerals, mining activities, can be stopped. Also, the over - use of natural resources has impact the earth's system inside. 
  3. Haphazardly living, lifestyles, has only depleted the resources, decreased the quality of atmosphere, exploited the Mother Nature.
  4. Our careers or money should be only for livelihood, good and healhy living, for meeting our basic needs like food, shelter and clothing. The problems have occured due to unsatiated wants and luxuries. It is good to use resources for our comforts and easy living. But, there is no need for luxurious lifestyle.
  5. The luxurious lifestyle has only wasted the resources, in turn have not given back anything to nature except Non- recyclable waste, Environmental issues, etc There are so mnay options available today to mankind for every product, be it cars, household items, vehicles, electronics, gadgets, etc
  6. It is not bad to have a easy living, but what is the need for so many options. The basic understanding for life, self-being, etc has vanished. This has only led to deterioration in resources, nature, relationships, mental and physical health, etc.
  7. The best option is to work on natural lands for cultivation, use of cattle, make products from the natural farm produce, so recyclical system is formed. There is physical work, so no need for separate gyms etc. Our digestive systems are taken care of, by good work. 
  8. Babaji, had mentioned, that a man needs to work maximum 5-6 hours only in day for livelihood. the rest time is for self-growth. On the contrary, today, we are working round the clock for survival. There is no mental peace. There is no self-time and family time. 
  9. Please let me know if you agree with the following example - - Take an example of a car company, how many vehicle types, how many models, how many variants, how many facilities , etc are available? Actually, what facilities in a car is needed? The purpose say of a SUV is for travel. based on majority needs, a car company can divide the variants into 3 - say Basic Model with AC, Medium Model with some additional features of  music system, etc and a third option of high end models. Just imagine on how much resources we can save ?!!!! If there is no self-control, then such things such me incorporated in form of reforms for public to adhere to.
  10. I ahve lived under a living model "Manav Chetna Vikas Kendra" at Indore, Pivday (25 kms from the city) There are 10 + families despite of caste, creed, living together on a 15 acres farm. There are professionals like Professors, Govt officials, doctors, engineers, school teachers, left their salaried jobs, living there with a cause for betterment of Self and their families. 
  11. They are in process of living successfully in an ecological and human-living beings- friendly Atmosphere. The cyclical system for work is seen practically in form of Naturally produced fruits and vegetables, Gaushala, bio-gas plant, Seeling & distribution of Processed foods from those farm products, unique education system, Human Centric Living, etc

Do contact me (neelam.chheda) on Gmail, to know more about how can we incorporate such mindset in our Work - culture. In this Pandemic, on many social platforms, webinars, Many of them talking about Time To Hit The Reset Button for everyone and especially In India

Then Why Not Use This Time To Bring About That Chnage In our Lives, careers, Work - cultures, etc for Peaceful & Harmonious Living !!!! 

Friday, 26 June 2020

Contingency - Learn more about it

Hello Friends,

You would get my background of career. As an Accounting student, we had learnt a concept called "Contingency Fund" The literary meaning of Contingency is - a future event that cannot be predicted or is not certain. The Accounting meaaning is an extension to the above meaning as to creating a pool of money for providing for such untoward event.

The reason for me to write today on this Topic is seeing Today's Pandemic situation. Corona episode maybe human-created, but the multiplication and behaviour of this Corona Virus is uncertain. Everyone was caught napping with the mishap happened in Wuhan city of China and its fatal consequences faced by the whole world today. As past occurances of any mishaps, natural calamities, uncertain series of events, may have got everyone's empathy, but not the kind of support and recognition. But, not everyone was so affected or bothered to know about the facts of those events.

However, Corona Episode, has in a way bought the whole world together. Today the teething problems faced by mankind is the the question of Survival, Existence and livelihood. 

Lockdown has rose questions for sustainenance of Economy. The delay in search of Vaccination has rose questions on the uncertainity of the issue. No one knows what to do, how many days would it take for things to settle, Will there be a second round of the virus again ???

Well, today, I would want to just focus on the question of Money. I had conducted a questionnaire amongst friends and family regarding their thoughts on this Uncertain event, what impact, this had on their thought processes, overall lifestyle and Work-life.

Those who had kept themselves covered for a certain period of time with a Provision of Fund (Contingency Fund / in layman language funds for emergency); have been able to relax for a while and gauge the situation very well. Thus, Depending on one's Income / Expenditure Sheet, one should fix a percentage of funds that should be regularly kept aside for such untoward situations.

For Eg. If I have a monthly Income of Rs. 60000/- and my monthly expenses are Rs. 48000/-, I have a monthly savings of Rs. 12000/-. Thus, I can allocate, as per my work nature, nature of expenses, my lifestyle, etc, say a monthly funding of Rs. 6000/- i.e. 50 % of my monthly savings towards this Contingency Fund. Hence, my Yearly Provision for Contingency sums up to Rs. 72000/-

I have deliberately given the mediocre example rather than taking Lakhs of Rupees as Monthly Income. So, it can benefit all class of people to understand this Concept maybe known or unknown to many.

As per my experience and knowledge, I have tried to put the following factors to be kept in mind for fixing a percentage for contingency and also the tenure for such provision :-

  1. Number of earning family members
  2. Number of members, the total family income supports
  3. Age group of family members
  4. Nature of Work
  5. One's Lifestyle
  6. Period of Investment Done and Amount of Investment in various forms available like Fixed Deposits, PPF, PF, various Savings schemes, Gold, bonds, Mutual funds, LIC, etc
  7. Liquid Assets
  8. Illiquid Assets
  9. Nature of Expenses that are majorly to be done on recurring basis or one- time basis, etc
  10. Future plans, expansion plans, etc
I may have forgotten to include some points. Well, Contingency Funding is one of the safety provision, a person can allocate for, while doing Financial Planning....

Keep visting my blog   for further Financial updates and many such wonderful concepts that can help us in financial planning in the short and long run !!!!!

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Important Pointers to sustain in this Dynamic world of Career and in life general

Few Learnings of my Short Life till now :

These following points have been my Nichod of Life so far, be in the phase of Education, Career, Family, Marriage, Pursuing Hobbies, etc.
This may sound Philosophical blog for a moment, but mark my words dear friends, those points have been my stress - busters and constatnt reminders that working for livelihood is not the only goal of one's life. Life is larger than this. These are some points which are a part of Successful Stories of Great Businessmen and Stalwarts !!!!

  • Get your priorities set (Self-time, Family-time, Work-time)

  • Follow your passion and heart than brain mostly

  • Test the waters, surroundings nicely, before diving

  • Adversities and Compulsions are your great teachers

  • Be observant

  • Carve your Niche, to find your own place in your work-place

  • Maintain rapport with all. No person is bad, everyone has always something to give. So keep your eyes and ears open

  • Listen Carefully

  • Be Punctual, Systematic and learn to manage your time.

  • Focus on your goals (All types of goals - Financial, Self, Time-bound, etc.)

  • Set first your long-term and life goals, and let your short - term or intermediatary goals then be in sync with those goals

  • Do such work that you never have to feel guilty later

  • If at all you have committed any mistake, wrong-doings, once you realise, Have the courage to accept it first and then face any consequences, if any. Its not " AA Bail Mujhe Maar" But trust me, you find yourself in a good cordial atmosphere around.

  • Maybe, today people are shy and practical in nature, but the Basic / Intrinsic (Mool-bhut) human nature always loves the Human Values like Integrity, Responsibility, Accountibility, Love, Trust, etc.

  • Always have around you two types of people professionally. One - Senior and knowledged than you; for Guidance and, Second - Subordinates, colleagues, friends, peer group with whom you can share your knowledge and views - for Self- Confidence, Self- Verification and Value & respect for Self

  • My get-aways from Corporate or Peer- Politics was Being clear and firm on one's principles, having the flexibity to change oneself accordingly, putting your points strongly across the table and at the end being satisfied with what I have.

  • Do such work that people  remember you always for your nature and work

  • Today's reason for stress is unsatiated wants, Lesser Means to meet the ends, unreasonable lifestyle, to live up to other peers and their lifestyles, Mis-match of What one wants to do and what the person actually is doing, maybe due to compulsion

  • Sometimes, if we feel today whatever we are doing is to meet the need of of the hour, out of compulsion; always keep in mind our long-term goals and dreams, and strive towards fulfillment of those in the end at later stage of your career. That is why constant re-visit to one's Priorities, Passion, Dreams, Goals should be done

  • Always find a balance in everything in life

  • Opportunities come and go, its not always about grabbing it. Its always choosing the correct at the right time. So, Be Vigilant 

  • There maybe sometimes, you may have taken wrong decisions, time-lag in executions, but thats all part of the Learning. Its not the end of life

  • Thus, Learn, Re-learn, Seek, and Keep executing your dreams to fulfill your goals

  • There is no Age - taboo to pursue passion, hobbies, spiritualism

Thursday, 18 June 2020

My Financial Career Journey so far

Hello Friends,

Its been a long-time gap from my 1st blog to this current one.

I have had the priveledge to work and analyse the structure and method of how capital markets work. Being a finance student, I love numbers a lot (The secret to this passion has been my childhood fantasy and dream to become an Astronomer💓😊)

I have seen how human minds and its behaviour are charted and prediction of targets for specific calls can be given. I was, however, not happy with the Capitalist Mind-set applied in any Financial Markets. Any up-turns or down-turns were mere number - games and the Impact of two Major factors that govern any facet of life today : GREED and FEAR

I worked for about 11 years in the Capital markets. I had no knowledge of working of the markets. I only knew the markets through Economic Times Newspaper (which my uncle, my mentor, inculcated the habit to read to improve English and explore my affinity to world of Numbers)

I started my career by joining a small trading firm, where I saw how traditionl investors mind-set works. My decision to start with a small firm, but with Pvt. HNIs, was good at that time. I got to learn from scratch from trading screens to trading to attending calls to front-end excitements to Back-end Accounting and Billing etc.

Like my parents and their peer group would have had their own share of struggles. I had my own in 90s. With the advent of the IT sector boom, I still was caught unaware of the various technological advancements around me. Such was our mindsets that time. However, our Junior batches, that time were more intellectually smart and enterprising. I am from the Timid and Modern - Conservative School of Thought. The changes in human values, emotions, time for family, time for work, lifestyle, herd mentality from saving money to chasing money and value for money, were the striking features in my career-journey.

Well, belonging to the so-called Vaniya / baniya community, I developed unknowingly the affinity towards finance, balance sheets, profit & loss, etc. As, I am also a strong Believer in God and Humanitarian by nature, I sometimes pondered, my mismatch of interest of career and lifestyle. I saw that in my times, the female staff in finanical markets' companies were very few. I have always been a Tom-Boy by nature. I found my place very well in the Dynamic World of Financial Markets. 

In my initial career life, I had to go through lots of learnings, mistakes, However, I understood the way I could survive in such stressful Commercial world of Targets, deadlines, Money, Dynamism, etc. I had my basic priorities of my life set, so decision-making was not so difficult. I understood soon, to keep my Professional life and personal life different. I have committed some hasty decisions, which no person, at their start of career would do. But I had made up my mind before only, that I would not compromise my conscience, my Principles, my Priorities for the sake of MONEY, CAREER, PROMOTIONS.

It was indeed a tough and courageous decision for a female to take at that time and stand in front of giant corporate companies, Management, policies, internal peer-politics, etc. But as earlier mentioned, I had found out the way to survive in such conditions. I may have forgone a lot of perks, promotions in that way, but I never had a sleepless night or guilty conscience at the end of any given day.

Well, after marriage, I took a break from working in corporate set -up. I wanted to enjoy and live my married life to the fullest. This decision also was a courageous one to take at the growing phase of my Career. My priority was set to pursue spiritualism, be complementing to my home-chores and also in my husband's Medical work. 

Then I learnt the Concept of "Aavartansheel - ArthaShaashtra". Wow, this blew my mind and shook - up my myths, my learnings in my Financial Management courses, the basics of economics taught today.

Today, I have the priveledge to balance my career-life, family life and my spiritual life due to continuous Self-introspection, wonderful people around for guidance. My current and future work revolves and would revolve around my life-goals, financial goals based on the concept of Cyclical - Finance System. It is not easy, but not impossible. Its a matter of like-minded people to join hands and pursue the goals together.