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Saturday, 18 July 2020

Cons of Financial Planning And An Alternative Solution to Mankind !!!!!

Hello Friends,

Hope you checked out my two previous topics on Planning And Financial Planning.
The links to them :-

Above topic was the Pros to Financial Planning. This current topic is An Extension of cons and solution...

Who doesn't like Alternative, choices ?๐Ÿ˜€

If You Belong to the School of thought ---- that Whatever is going on, is all good and Nothing much can be done about the already done damage to Nature, resources, Imbalance in Status, etc. Then pls, do not continue reading further...

If You are Optimistic about a good future for all of us, then go on reading...

Cons to Financial Planning : -

  • Take life as it comes, then why the need to plan for anything.
  • Over-emphasis on Money has resulted in exploitation, over-utilisation of resources, increase in Two Guiding factors today for any business or financial Markets i.e. FEAR & GREED; imbalance of Capital distribution and decreasing faith in Human and Humanity.
  • How can we connote a material to a living being? Why the very need of materials and over-importance should be given to them for exchange and all dealings between humans?
  • The brain-washing ideologies of Diminshing Laws of Returns, Less resources to meet wants, etc are being taught to students of Economics and Commerce. 
  • Have these people actually worked on any farms and seen that over-use of pesticides, fertilizers have made such concepts of diminshing returns true? Are we ever taught to be satisfied in what we have or to keep a check on our un-warranted wants for selfish comforts and gains? Has the cirriculum incorporated on Effective and Rational way to use our Natural resources?
  • We should be thankful that Mother Earth gives us million times more than we sow. It is our increasing greed and wants, that resources, ends to meet those wants fall short.
  • Literacy is given so much importance today. Its not bad at all, but just see the constructions of buildings, forts, ports, infrasturcture many 1000  would make us go crazy and doubt that did such illeterate ople, our ancestors build these?!!!
    • There is a Gujarati Saying - BHANNTAR AAVYU PAN GANNTAR NAHI, meaning, people today are educated, but do not have the essence of being skilled and educated in literal sense. My Granny, at the age of 85 years, was so fast in calculations with using brains and no calculators. We have forgotten to use our brains properly and have got handicapped to machinery and technology at an alarming rate.
    • Get a System, which provides for our basic needs easily, equal distribution of capital, resources to the Earthians (Humans on Earth Planet)
    • There is a need to revamp the overall Financial System. It cannot be done without the proper system to build Whole Family System, Village System, Social System, Country and whole World as one Big System
    • The Education System should be restructured properly to first include Human Values at Primary Level, then Skill - based education at Secondary level, Rational inclusion of youth in whole Civic System, Village System (a place of 100 families together and a whole City comprising of many such villages and many such inter-dependant cities making one country) at Higher level of Education, Experienced people being the mentors and guide to such young generation.
    • Unless and until Moral Science, Environmental studies, Human Values do not find proper place in the Education System, Mankind will always be struggling with all current issues of Poverty, illeteracy, Competition, Politics in work place, improper allocation of funds, False scarcity of resources, Lifestyle disorders, Communal feuds, Wars, Global Warming, etc.
    • I see Corona Pandemic as a Great Opportunity for Mankind to Hit the Reset Button in terms of Self-time, Self-introspection, Realisation of his wrong-doings to self, Nature, people, enivronment around, Rectify them by working on the Wrongs seriously than just continuing the Game the Same way.
    • This is the Time to Unite and not be Intolerant to Humans, animals. The scope for Anti-social elements arises due to No Proper and Correct Human-Centric Education, Comparisons made with respect to Community, Nature of Work, Race, Colour, Class, Less Availability of resources to fulfill Basic Needs, Improper Social Systems, Judicial Systems, Civic Systems, etc.
    • THE GIANT DEVIL OF GREED, WANT FOR MORE, has to be addressed sooner than later.

    HUMANITY WITH VITAMIN H (HEALTH), VITAMIN L (LOVE), VITAMIN V (VALUES) and MINUS THE VITAMIN M (MONEY - CENTRIC) + Valuation OF HUMAN EFFORTS = The Solution for Sustainenance and Glorification of Planet Earth and us Humans.


    Tuesday, 14 July 2020

    How important is Finance Planning.. KNOW THE FACTS !!!!

    Hello Friends,

    Hope you guys are enjoying my blogs on Health and Finance.

    I would love to hear your feedback for my knowledge and scope for improvment. Also Do suggest any Topics you would like me to write on.

    Do read my previous blog on correct Planning

    Life is uncertain, many events, natural occurances can be irregular and unusual. Still, Correct planning helps us to be organised and keeps us aware and Alert...

    Today, people are obsessed with Planning, though, how far it is correct and required is a different topic for discussion๐Ÿ˜„
    Finance is synonymous to Money and Material wealth like Gold, Property, Cash, Bank Balance, Savings Investment etc...

    I Would divide Finance Broadly into Accounting, Investments and Provisioning & Further classification as below : -

     Finance -

     Accounting - Income / Expense Sheet, Cash
                             Book, Profit & Loss Sheet and
                             Balance Sheet

     Investment - Money Saved or Kept in some
                             Form for some returns and

     Provisioning - For Contingency,
                             Meeting Medical Expenses
                             And for family security after
                             Death of earning member.

    Importance of Financial Planning :-

    • Whatever Field you are in , be it Science, Arts, Engineering, Doctor, Home-making; today it is important to be aware of Basics of Finance (maintaining your expenses and income file, basic banking)
    • Since, everything today revolves around Vitamin M (MONEY), it is important to understand and know the Finance Basics and Plan for it
    • Appoint proper Chartered Accountant who can guide us properly for future investments, planning
    • If one maintains regular Cash book, Expenses File, one knows where he or she or family stands.
    • The above classification of Finance, as per my understanding, helps us be aware and alert in today's dynamic world of Commerce and Capitalism
    • Keep your Tentative Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement, ready and check every tri-monthly. This helps us for further planning. and no need to hurry at the end of financial Year (Accounting Year)
    • Today, we see many young people at age of 30 - 45 years are wither suffering from some lifestyle disorder or face death, accidents. So it is Important for the other family members to know about the financial whereabouts, so they do not have to face unneccessary hassles of Finding Insurance Papers be it Mediclaim or Life Insurance, Any debts to be repaid or any amount receivable from others, etc.
    • The intolerance for relationships, high inflation costs, speedy life, rush to reach somewhere always leading to high probability to accidents, car damages, etc; arises the compulsion for finance planning and its clarity.

    However, I request all of you to know how handicapped today's affairs have made us to this FINANCE. It is therefore important, atleast after the Pandemic, for human kind to Think about A CORRECT ALTERNATIVE to Speedy Life, Haphazard Lifestyle and Diet Regimen, Overall Earning Sources, etc.

    Meet YOU In My Topic Ahead, an Extension to this topic..... 

    Friday, 3 July 2020

    Correct Planning.....

    Hello Friends,

    Hope you guys are enjoying my blogs on Health and Finance.

    I would love to hear your feedback for my knowledge and scope for improvment. Also Do suggest any Topics you would like me to write on.

    Planning has its relevance in our life. It is important to understand following points for Correct Planning :-

    • Set your priorities
    • Know your goals in terms of short-term, medium term and long - term
    • With the current Pandemic situation or many uncertain events, people with proper vision towards life and correct planning, have not been much impacted overall.
    • Hence, correct vision and your own mission and goal should be set
    • Broadly bifurcate planning into Self, Family, Social
    • Then further classify each above category. for eg. Self - in terms of study, career, wedding, finance, hobbies, Health Regimen, etc
    • Apply your learnings, while planning, so it can be self-verification process than just mere following someone or something blindly
    • Write down and maintain your diary for records and reference everytime.
    • Do not go harsh, if things do not work as per plans. Life is all about learning, un-learning, re-learning things. Some things work for us, some work better for others.
    • Planned life is sorted or atleast handled and managed properly. 
    • Use the planner as a roadmap and not a final blueprint. Otherwise, we tend to be rigid and follow just like a horse in one direction. It is important to be multi-dimensional in Planning and implementation
    • Read books of successful people or people with same goals, for any solutions in your life
    I have tried to cover broadly in the above point for Correct Planning.

    Meet you in my next blog for Correct Financial Planning and its Importance....๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™‹

    Thursday, 2 July 2020

    The Alternative : To a World totally Dependant on Money

    Hello Friends,

    Let me ask you a Question, Can You Imagine There Can Be A World Of Business, Which is Not Money Centric ??? No, is your answer. 

    Well, Then let me introduce to you a very new, basic and Superb concept, which can be an Alternative to the world dependent on Exchange of Money With, By and For Money.... Surprised๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Yes, This Concept can be better understood, if one is willing to first accept the fact that it is possible, that one can welcome new things in life and reading my blog, with Open Mind and zero assumptions and doubts.

    Please do read my previous blog, where I have mentioned about Jeevan vidya

    No stress will ever bother any person, no suicides will happen with farmers, no such mishaps can happen, if one understands and implements the following main Pointers of the Concept:-

    • The Intrinsic Value of a product is decided by its usage and its longevity or life span
    • Similarly, every human has some special skills. No Human is all Bad in nature. Every one has some thing which they are good at (ofcourse, not good in anti-social things, I mean)
    • A terrorist or a mere thief, also is good in something like, their perseverance or focus in whatever they do. Of course, they are not able to capitalise that good nature in proper things
    • So basically, the point I want to make is, every human has something special in them and that is their Intrinsic Value
    • The products and services provided by anyone, can be evaluated on the basis of skills and these intrinsic values.
    • Now, the question will arise, how to take the value of an intangible thing like Human Skill
    • I cannot explain the whole concept in one blog, it takes some learning sessions in the form of workshops for it. Still, I will try to just briefly give the broad idea of this unique concept.
    • As, broadly, we can classify institutions into 5 areas of self, Family institution, society, country and International countries.
    • Then, we further break the Society in form of small communities of  families living together, and further up to a Village set up comprising of 100 families, and so on to make a 10 tier system going till International Community
    • Every village would have their own central Distribution system of goods and services. Whatever, they cannot produce, they can purchase it from the village that has the same. The catch here is, the exchange rate is not on basis of valuation with respect to a currency, but 
    • The exchange rate will be on the basis of Human effort Rate to make the product in terms of hours in terms of physical and mental efforts.
    • Example is, if a person is able to make 1 kilo of papad from kneading the flour to making papads, drying them up till the final product, takes 2 days, same thing other person can make 2 kilos of papad with the same efforts in 2 days.
    • The exchange rate of 1 kilo papad is equal to human effort of 1 day.. Their Human hours will be registered in the central book of that village, so in turn, the person making 1 kilo papad in 2 days, has to upgrade the skill. The credit human hours, in such exchanges between villages, country and international country, helps to get in exchange other items, addtionally. 
    • Money or Currency is just a symbol of exchange, but today, it has become the intrinsic value of goods.
    • The human physical efforts are not awarded properly due to this money centric mindset. A farmer, who selflessly works physically all year round, for example, does not get its due value. A person sitting in an Air-conditioned office, would earn much more than the Important Part of our Economy - The Farmer.
    • It is important, now, after this Pandemic to adapt to this Alternative of Living Harmoniously across Human - made boundaries. It is The Time To Think Human - Centric... Be Human in literal sense๐Ÿ˜„
    I have explained the concept very vaguely. But for that, you have to attend such full Jeevan Vidya Introductory and Adhyayan Advanced Workshops. There are ongoing Workshops conducted all over the world by dedicated, experienced and Like-minded people who want to live harmoniously with similar goals in life. One such aspect that can be learnt and un-learnt is of Finance.

    Meet you soon with another blog ..... Do comment and write in if you areinterested to know more about such concepts to live our lives with ease and stress - free and share with your friends and families as much as you can. After all its about Good Finance....⭐