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Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Myths and Know the Reality of Finance

 Hello friends,

I hope you have read my blog on “Finance and emotions. If not, click the link given below.

Everyone knows that Finance encompasses the world of Material World like Money, Currency, Property. Assets, Economy, etc.

My Definition of Finance (With Reference of Finance Told by a Higher Dimension Person Mr. A. Nagraj) is that we humans have Body as a medium to fulfill one’s aspirations in completing our Journey.

Thus, Finance is beyond Just Money, Currency.

Utilization of anything is done well after understanding the Actual Properties of that thing. Like wise, Know the Myths & Realities of Finance.

Myths are assumptions, meaning, ignorance or less know-how of a thing.

Anyways, Let’s dig in to the Myths people Connote to Finance

  • Most of them think Finance is only Money, Property, Materialistic thing

  • Finance is Addictive to some and Speculative to many.

  • Finance means only Profit/ Loss, Taxes, etc.

  • Finance is replenishable.

  • Finance is connected mainly by most to Economy, Commercial and plays as an Antagonist to environment, sustainability.

  • Emotional Attachment to finance.

Let's Break these Myths - Reality Check with my following views:-

  • Finance includes All resources like one’s Body, Material things, Mind for making proper use of Knowledge and understanding, natural resources, Human resources, etc

  • Finance = Resources (Body + Mind + Knowledge + Material Wealth)

  • Finance can be Recyclable and Renewable. Know how? Finance that can be ploughed back and the resources that can be renewable does not waste Finance and Finance cannot be a danger or Insecurity. Reusable, Renewable, Re-grown, Re-invested puts rest to the myths, insecurities related to finance.

  • Knowledge is Power. Know-how of What is Finance, what includes Finance, what are the benefits of Finance, How can Finance be made, shared, grown, renewed, sustained, etc; makes it non speculative.

  • Good Health is Good wealth, known to everyone. But how much of us today invest our time for Good Health??!! We may invest in Medical insurance for Contingencies, but how much time do we take out of the day to be happy, to work without stress, to be in Nature, To grow, to eat organic ? 

  • Finance is misconceptualized with only Material things by even Great Economists. The result is the stress of working people, the race for Money, Capitalism, Commercialisation of any & everything, the harmful side-effects to Environment, Diminishing Resources, Haphazard Daily Life Routines.

  • The valuation of Finance should be done Properly with Actual Efforts, Human efforts Put to Build that Finance. Valuation of Capital, Wealth, Finance with respect to Degree only, No Human efforts hours, brings in nothing but only Inequality in distribution of Wealth in Society.

  • Land is a Replinishable Asset, taught in Our Management, Economic Institutes. The result of Massive Production due to Fertlisers, etc led to Mishap of Green Revolution / Wheat Revolution in Punjab, India. We Forgot to understand the Natural Process of Fertility of Lands, how to make land more naturually productive.

  • Thus, The Key New Normal in the World of Today's Finance is Being Natural,, Sustainable, Organic, Recyclable, Use of Human Resource and Focusing on Economy & its Valuations being Human - Centric than Money-centric.

Hope you agree with my insights on the Realities of Finance. I welcome your valuable Comments. Thanks for Liking my blogs, sharing them.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Fundas to remember while investing in stock markets

 # Why Stock Market Vs Other Investment Options ? Know Why you want to invest in Stock market amongst other options to invest

# How to choose which Investment to go for ? Choose wisely, knowing your Risk Capacity, Holding Capacity, Risk : Reward Ratio and returns expected.

# Stock markets include Equity (Shares) Trading, Commodities Trading, Gold ETFs, etc. You can directly trade via a SEBI registered broker or invest indirectly through Mutual Funds

# Know the Risks :: Reward Ratio

# Always sort help of the good experts of the field for better understanding 

# Invest by having some Basic knowledge. Rely on good market advisors, but always try to learn the basic fundas and know the companies your money is invested in. No one is liable for your losses.

# Best is to trade in :: While choosing a company to invest in, Either blindly follow market recommendations or know your favourite sector or a promising sector that will perform well. Choose the best in Fundamentals and verify it with technicals for a better entry in the stock.

# Break the Myth :: There can be a myth that it's a Satta market, but any business model without proper knowledge, understanding the basic fundamentals would fail and can be termed as Satta also.

# Know risks to trade safely :: It is definitely a vast ocean of Companies, opportunities, profits, but always know the risk of tiding your way through this Ocean safely.

# Maintain Strict Stoploss and do not trade emotionally :: Never Hesitate to book your loss, if you had decided a benchmark of stop loss point to that stock price. This has saved many people from huge losses further.